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Requirements for issuance of Aeronautical Station Operator Licence:-

1. Not less than 18years

2. Have Successful completed an approved training programme

3. Have served under the supervision of a qualified Aeronautical Station Operator for not less than 06 months working experience within the twelve months immediately preceding the application

4. Have successfully completed English Language Proficiency Examination conducted by CAASL

Procedure for the Application

  •  Register with the computerized Licensing System through
  •  Create the user profile
  •  Submit application No. CAA/PL/I/25
  •  Successful complete ASO Training Course as mentioned in IS 48
  •  Successful complete experience as mentioned in IS 48
  •  Successful complete ELPC Examination

Attach the following documents to the application and produce originals of the same for verification

1. Course completion certificate issued by the AASL

2. A certificate/letter to the effect that he/she is employment related Aeronautical Station Operator duties with AASL

3. On the Job Training assessment Records

4. On the Job Training Syllabus, Skill Test Results from AASL

5. Copy of ELPC Examination Completion Certificate Issued by CASSL

6. Copy of birth Certificate

7. Copy of the ID card or Passport

8. 02 Stamp size colour photos

- If you need any assistance to create the profile or add new application, press the “Help” button.

- Make the relevant payment to commence the process of evaluation of the application.

Application will not be processed unless the applicant produce all required original certificates /documents to TOPL section of CAASL and make the relevant payments.

Application/Document submission time: 9.00 am – 12.30 pm

Document Collection time: 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

More detailed requirements can be found in Implementing Standard 48 and SLCAP 3100

Click here for frequently asked questions on ASO Licence.


1. Age -
   For PPL conversion not less than 17 years.
   For CPL conversion not less than 18 years
   For ATPL conversion not less than 21 years
2. Medical fitness (Class I/2).
   For PPL conversion – Class 2
   For CPL conversion – Class 1
   For ATPL conversion – Class 1
3. Security Clearance (If applicable)
4. Licence Conversion Examinations (Ref. Implementing Standards 008 for more details)
5. English Language Proficiency. (Level 4 or higher)
6. Shall hold a current licence together with a current Medical certificate issued by the foreign State.
7. Foreign Licence shall have been issued in compliance with the minimum requirement of ICAO Annex I.
8. Verification of the licence from relevant foreign CAA.
9. Flying experience as per Appendix 3 to IS 72
10. Successful completion of skill test.
11. Other requirements stipulated in Implementing Standard 72 and Implementing Standard 008.

Procedure for the Application

  • Register with the computerized Licensing System through CAASL Licensing system
  • Create the user profile
  • Submit the PPL/CPL/ATPL issuance application form

Attach the following documents to the application and hand over the copies to the TOPL Section
1. Valid Foreign Licence
2. Current I Medical Certificate
3. Log Book copies certified by ATO
4. Summary report with detailed breakdown of flying experience for PIC Cross country and Night and Instrument flying
5. NIC / Passport copy
6. Birth certificate.
7. Stamp Size 2 colour photos (2x2.5 cm)
8. Other relevant Certificates issued by ATO

- If you need any assistance to create the profile or add new application, press the “Help” button.
- Visit the Training Organization & Personnel Licensing (TOPL) Section with the original log Book, other original documents and completed counter checklist.

- Make the relevant payment to commence the process of evaluation of the application.
- Log book will be returned to you by hand after the evaluation.
- Pass Conversion examinations / ELPC conducted by CAASL
- Pass the Medical examination conducted by CAASL
- Flight Examiner will be appointed by Director Training Organization & Personnel Licensing
(DTOPL) and letters will be sent to the relevant examiner with a copy to you.
- SPL shall be valid at the time of the skill test.
- After completion of the skill test, report shall be sent DTOPL for processing.
- Licence verification is to be received directly from the respective foreign CAA.

Please note that if you have not completed the experience requirement as per IS 72, you are required to complete the balance training in Sri Lanka.

Application will not be processed unless the applicant produce all required original certificates /documents to TOPL section of CAASL and make the relevant payments.

Application/Document submission time: 9.00 am – 12.30 pm

Document Collection time: 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

More detailed requirements can be found in Implementing Standard 72 and SLCAP 3010
Click here for frequently asked questions on PPL.

CAASL Approved Flying Training Organizations Click here

Requirements for issuance of Aircraft Maintenance Licence:-

1. Age not less than 18 years

2. Have successfully completed an appropriate training programme at approved training organization as per Implementing Standard 66.

3. Successfully completed experience as per Implementing Standard 66

4. Have successfully completed AML knowledge examination conducted by CAASL. Module requirement for each category as follows.

 Category Basic Knowledge Requirement  Basic Experience Requirement 
  • For A1 refer B1.1 Basic Knowledge Requirement
  • For A2 refer B1.2 Basic Knowledge Requirement
  • For A3 refer B1.3 Basic Knowledge Requirement
  • For A4 refer B1.4 Basic Knowledge Requirement
  1. Three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft, if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or
  2. Two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the DGCA Sri Lanka as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or
  3. One year of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a basic training course approved in accordance with IS -147.
 B1.1 Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7A-M
Module 7A-E
Module 8
Module 9A-M
Module 9A-E
Module 10-M
Module 10-E
Module 11A
Module 15
Module 17A 
  1. Five years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or
  2. Three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the DGCA Sri Lanka as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or
  3. Two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a basic training course approved in accordance with IS-147.
 B1.2 Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7A
Module 8
Module 9A-M
Module 9A-E
Module 10-M
Module 10-E
Module 11B
Module 16
Module 17A 
  1. Three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft, if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or
  2. Two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the DGCA Sri Lanka as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or
  3. One year of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a basic training course approved in accordance with IS -147.
 B1.3 Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7A
Module 8
Module 9A-M
Module 9A-E
Module 10-M
Module 10-E
Module 12
Module 15 
  1. Five years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or
  2. Three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the DGCA Sri Lanka as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or
  3. Two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a basic training course approved in accordance with IS-147.
 B1.4 Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7A
Module 8
Module 9A-M
Module 9A-E
Module 10-M
Module 10-E
Module 12
Module 16 
  1. Three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft, if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or
  2. Two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the DGCA Sri Lanka as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or
  3. One year of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a basic training course approved in accordance with IS -147.
 B2 Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7A
Module 8
Module 9A-M
Module 9A-E
Module 10-M
Module 10-E
Module 13
Module 14
  1.  Five years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or
  2. Three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the DGCA Sri Lanka as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or
  3. Two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a basic training course approved in accordance with IS-147.
 B3 Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7B
Module 8
Module 9B-M
Module 9B-E
Module 10-M
Module 10-E
Module 11C
Module 16
Module 17B 
  1. Three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft, if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training; or
  2. Two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the DGCA Sri Lanka as a skilled worker, in a technical trade; or
  3. One year of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a basic training course approved in accordance with IS -147.
 C Refer B1, B2 Basic Knowledge Requirement   
  • For category C with respect to large aircraft:
    (i) Three years of experience exercising category B1.1, B1.3 or B2 privileges on large aircraft or as support staff according to 145.A.35, or, a combination of both; or
    (ii) Five years of experience exercising category B1.2 or B1.4 privileges on large aircraft or as support staff according to 145.A.35, or a combination of both;
  • For category C with respect to other than large aircraft:
    three years of experience exercising category B1 or B2 privileges on other than large aircraft or as support staff according to IS-145.A.35, or a combination of both;
  • For category C obtained through the academic route:
    an applicant holding an academic degree in a technical discipline, from a university or other higher educational institution recognised by the DGCA Sri Lanka, three years of experience working in a civil aircraft maintenance environment on a representative selection of tasks directly associated with aircraft maintenance including six months of observation of base maintenance tasks.


Procedure for the Application

  • Register with the computerized Licensing System through
  • Create the user profile
  • Submit the Aircraft Maintenance Licence issuance application form
  • Submit duly completed application No. CAA/PL/I/08 (Form 19)
  • Submit the evidence of the required work experience (work sheet/log book/relevant training certificate)
  • Successfully complete the knowledge Examination and submit the copy of results sheet issued by CAASL

Attach the following documents to the application and produce originals of the same for verification

1. Submit duly completed application No. CAA/PL/I/08 (Form 19) recommended by Quality Manager of your current employer or the organization where the experience was gained

2. Training course completion certificates and transcripts

3. Results sheet issued by CAASL

4. Log book/ worksheet copies

5. Copy of the Birth Certificate

6. Copy of the ID card or Passport

7. 2 Stamp size colour photos

- If you need any assistance to create the profile or add new application, press the “Help” button.

- Make the relevant payment to commence the process of evaluation of the application. Application will not be processed unless the applicant produce all required original certificates /documents to TOPL section of CAASL and make the relevant payments.

Application/Document submission time: 9.00 am – 12.30 pm

Document Collection time: 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm

More detailed requirements can be found in Implementing Standard 66 and SLCAP 3070

Click here for frequently asked questions on AML Licence.